Puppy Linux For Mac


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Puppy Linux For Mac Catalina

Posted: Mon 26 Feb 2007, 01:58 Post subject:

Macpup Download

The fastest Linux experience for a netbook may be something like Puppy Linux. The best/fastest modern Linux that works well, appears to be Trisquel 8 OS. When grabbing more popular editions like Linux Mint, Cinnamon drags on a netbook. Linux Mint Cinnamon is fantastic on modern hardware that can handle it. PUPPY LINUX ETHERNET DRIVER FOR MAC. Puppy package manager, puppy linux slacko puppy linux, squash file system, lucent linmodem smart link, puppy linux barrier, nic fast ethernet. Odys fusion linux. Connect wireless network puppy, linux format magazine, creating puppy linux live. Make usb modem work on puppy linux 5.28, unix. Damn small linux. How to Run Linux on a Mac. This article will show you how to install a Linux distro onto your Intel based Mac, without having to reformat your drive, nor erase your partition. Download the latest version of Linux distro of your choice.

Puppy Linux For Mac Download

Puppy linux virtual machine


To change your MAC address in Linux (and most *nix system) is easy as pie. All it takes is two easy to script commands:
ifconfig eth0 down hw ether 00:00:00:00:00:01
ifconfig eth0 up
These two little commands would set your eth0 interface to use the MAC 00:00:00:00:00:01. Just plug in the NIC you want to set and the MAC address you want to use into the commands above and your done. Changing your MAC address is one of those things that is much easier to do in Linux then under Windows.
1) Bring down the interface: 'ifconfig eth0 down'
2) Enter new MAC address: 'ifconfig eth0 hw ether 00:00:00:AA:AA:AA'
3) Bring up the interface: 'ifconfig eth0 up'
Windows 2000/XP
Method 1:
This is depending on the type of Network Interface Card (NIC) you have. If you have a card that doesn’t support Clone MAC address, then you have to go to second method.
a) Go to Start->Settings->Control Panel and double click on Network and Dial-up Connections.
b) Right click on the NIC you want to change the MAC address and click on properties.
c) Under 'General' tab, click on the 'Configure' button
d) Click on 'Advanced' tab
e) Under 'Property section', you should see an item called 'Network Address' or 'Locally Administered Address', click on it.
f) On the right side, under 'Value', type in the New MAC address you want to assign to your NIC. Usually this value is entered without the '-' between the MAC address numbers.
g) Goto command prompt and type in 'ipconfig /all' or 'net config rdr' to verify the changes. If the changes are not materialized, then use the second method.
h) If successful, reboot your system.
Method 2:
This should work on all Windows 2000/XP systems
a) Go to Start -> Run, type 'regedt32' to start registry editor. Do not use 'Regedit'.
b) Go to 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSet ControlClass{4D36E972-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}'. Double click on it to expand the tree. The subkeys are 4-digit numbers, which represent particular network adapters. You should see it starts with 0000, then 0001, 0002, 0003 and so on.
c) Find the interface you want by searching for the proper 'DriverDesc' key.
d) Edit, or add, the string key 'NetworkAddress' (has the data type 'REG_SZ') to contain the new MAC address.
e) Disable then re-enable the network interface that you changed (or reboot the system).
Method 3:
Use the program Etherchange from http://ntsecurity.nu/toolbox/etherchange/
Windows 9x
Use the same method as Windows 2000/XP except for the registry key location is 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESystem CurrentControlSetServicesClassNet' and you must reboot your system.