Css Hack Safari Mac Only

Ofcourse you can also add conditional comments. In my opinion, though, it is better to add all of the CSS to one CSS file, as this keeps the number of HTML requests to a minimum. In some cases, though, you may want or need to use this (taken from the Quirksmode website). More information can also be found here on MSDN. The Chrome and Safari hack targets Safari 5.1-6.0 and Chrome 10-24. The media query around it simply guarantees that it is ‘either Safari or Chrome’ so at least that part will remain accurate. At the time that hack was released, newer versions that could not work were not created yet. 0.1.4 - Working on Safari, applewebkit was misspelled, without an p - Alex Wiltschko and Moises Kirsch 0.1.3 - Changed the js a litle to get the html tag by TagName instead of having one id - Chris Warren and Tony Nelson.

CSS hacks are needed in order to solve problems caused by different browsers rendering. It’s often getting down to solve problems with Internet Explorer, especially version 6 and 7. But I stopped to care about IE6 already 🙂 No more!

So the main problem is Internet Explorer. But we have this CSS code to dominate:

  • I can't test it on safari/mac but Safari and Google Chrome uses WebKit rendering engine so it is very likely that every hack works in Safari. Google Chrome is rather new player but it rapidly increases and there is a need for using specific styles only for that browser.
  • The page background is different in Safari from the background shown in IE. If you look in web for CSS hack for Safari then you might find different ways like using body:nth-of-type(1) or body:first-of-type which can be used to apply specific CSS property for Safari.

Firefox Only CSS Hack

Chrome and Safari CSS hack:

Css Hack For Safari Mac Only

Safari and Google Chrome are mainly the same, but sometimes behave differently, especially in forms, and fonts rendering. Safari for windows gets less updates. Finally there is a way to separate them in CSS.