Quickbooks For Mac 2015 Sierra

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  3. Is Quickbooks For Mac 2015 Compatible With High Sierra
  4. Quickbooks For Mac 2015 High Sierra
  5. Quickbooks For Mac Versions

A few weeks ago, I wrote an article about 'QuickBooks and Graphics Cards.' That article actually arose out of a webinar presentation I made about the relationship of RAM Memory to QuickBooks Desktop (QBD); however, during the webinar I mentioned that QBD performance could be enhanced if it were running on a computer with a 'graphics card with VRAM' because the graphics subsystem (GPU - graphics processing unit) would no longer be using the RAM otherwise available within the computer. When a graphics card has built-in VRAM (video RAM), the GPU subsystem is reliant upon the card's VRAM, not the RAM allocated by the computer's OS.

On my MacBook pro, I downloaded macOS Sierra version 10.12 without checking if my 2014 Quickbooks is compatible. Is it possible to erase macOS Sierra, upgrade my quickbooks to 2016, then reload Sierra without down loading El Capitan? Right now I am re downloading from my purchases in the app store El Capitan but is it necessary? QuickBooks Mac 2016 works on SIERRA and HIGH SIERRA (Latest Version) - Lowest $ Built and designed for your Mac so you know it is easy to set up, learn and use. The update can be found on your computer under Apple-Mac-OS. In order to download QuickBooks for Mac, you must have up to date software. However, by using the payroll feature in QuickBooks 2015, you can master efficient techniques for creating checks, paying taxes, and generating forms and reports quickly and easily. And once you've mastered the basics, you'll gain troubleshooting tips and solutions to help you solve common problems and mistakes to simplify the whole payroll.


A question was posed concerning 'memory-resident graphics cards' in virtual environments like QuickBooks, running on a remote server, or being hosted,' and the natural progression was then, 'what about QuickBooks Online.' So, in my article referenced above, I discussed the implications of Graphics Cards for all the various 'QuickBooks Environments.' Near the end of that article, I discussed the Windows and Mac App for QuickBooks Online saying:

  • Intuit developed the Windows App to give you a ‘dedicated internet browser’ for QuickBooks Online. The intention was to be able to call for ‘dedicated memory’ to run the App rather than QuickBooks Online sharing the total memory dedicated to your Chrome (or other) browser among any and all open browsing windows. Some other features regarding decompression and refresh rates were intended to help improve the computing experience when using the App with QBO.

Source: Intuit


  • The ‘Windows App’ can, like a browser, make use of the dedicated memory and processing capabilities of your graphics card, you should experience enhanced QuickBooks Online operations over running the App with only ‘on-board’ graphics and your computer’s standard memory.

I then concluded the article by saying:

  • Perhaps now you can see why not only the recommended (minimum) RAM requirements related to QuickBooks are essential to your successful use of the application, whether you are using the Desktop or Online version, but you can also recognize how a high-quality graphics card with dedicated memory can only enhance your experience regardless of the environment in which you are operating.

QBO App System Specifications

Well, in response to my article I received another inquiry about 'the system requirements' for the 'QuickBooks App for Windows or Mac,' and honestly it got me thinking that I didn't recall ever seeing such requirements even though I downloaded, installed and used (and still do) the Windows version of the App when I work with QuickBooks Online. After some research, I finally got the system requirements from Intuit, so here they are (along with my commentary where applicable):


  • 2.4 GHz
  • 4 GB of RAM
  • Support for Streaming SIMD Extensions 2 (SSE2) instruction set or higher

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  • 1 GB
  • Solid State Drive (SSD): SSD may speed up the performance

Network Speed

  • As suggested by QuickBooks Online
  • Minimum Internet speed 512 KBPS
  • Recommended Internet speed 1MBPS ('the higher the better')

Machine types supported (some machine types may not support optional graphics)

  • Desktops
  • Laptops
  • Ultrabook/tablets
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Operating System Supported


  • Windows 10
  • Windows 8.1
  • Windows 7


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  • Mac OS X 10.14 (Mojave) ('Intuit compatibility unspecified for this new OS')


  • Mac OS X 10.12 (Sierra)
  • Mac OS X 10.11 (El Capitan)
  • Mac OS X 10.10 (Yosemite)
  • Mac OS X 10.9 (Mavericks)

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  • Best optimized for 1280 X 800 screen resolution or higher
  • Between 1200*800 and 1600*900
  • Between 1600*1200 and 1920*1200
  • Between 1920*1440 and 2560*1440
  • Up to 200% DPI
  • Extended monitor support
Quickbooks For Mac 2015 Sierra


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As with the System Requirements for QuickBooks Desktop, or QuickBooks Online (via the recommended 'Chrome Browser'), Intuit never tells you that you might get improved performance if you use a 'memory-resident graphics card (of at least 2 GB)' for video support.

Is Quickbooks For Mac 2015 Compatible With High Sierra

Despite that, I will reaffirm my previous conclusions.. The ‘Windows App’ (for QBO) like a browser, can (will) make use of the dedicated memory and processing capabilities of your graphics card. As such, you should experience enhanced QuickBooks Online operations with such a graphics card over running the App with only ‘on-board’ graphics and your computer’s standard memory.

The principle holds true for the 'Mac App for QBO' itself. Of course, there is one big difference. Apple has always been ahead of most 'Windows computer designers' and they have for some time provided 'graphics with on-board memory' in all but their lowest-end desktop machines, laptops are a different matter. There are simply too many variations in the Mac 'lineup of products' to talk more specifically in an article like this, so consult your Apple Store or Apple Support regarding your present or future graphics requirements if you are using or considering a Mac purchase.

Quickbooks For Mac 2015 High Sierra

Quickbooks For Mac 2015 Sierra

Quickbooks For Mac Versions

With that said, I will also repeat my prior concluding remarks: '..no folks, I am not going to recommend or even suggest a specific 'graphics card'.' Consult your local computer-professional or computer-manufacturer (Windows-based or Apple-Mac, as the case may be) regarding your graphics, if you are unclear as to what your current graphics capabilities are, or you wish to upgrade your graphics technology to insure full compatibility.