Multiple Proxy Manager

Proxy Manager will take care of everything else! When you reply or forward, Proxy Manager detects the address the message was sent to and automatically selects the right sender address on the new outgoing message. Messages sent by Proxy Manager are stored in the Sent Items folder in Outlook, and the non-delivery reports are created in the Inbox. Proxy delivers a full-featured access management solution that gives you the ability to delegate multiple levels of access depending on a user’s group or role. In this article I will share the steps to set up proxy server using httpsproxy and httpsproxy environment variable. What is Proxy Server? A proxy server is a dedicated computer or a software system running on a computer that acts as an intermediary between an endpoint device, such as a computer, and another server from which a user or client is requesting a service. Integrating Multiple Proxy Manager ports with Insomniac Download Luminati Proxy Manager Click Add new Proxy to create a new port Select the new port (24XXX).

  1. Multiple Proxy Manager Software
  2. Multiple Proxy Manager Job
  3. Subscription Manager Proxy
  4. Multi Proxy Download Manager

This project comes as a pre-built docker image that enables you to easily forward to your websitesrunning at home or otherwise, including free SSL, without having to know too much about Nginx or Letsencrypt.

Multiple Proxy Manager Software

'Proxy Switcher and Manager' extension brings the power of proxy management to your browser. Using this extension, you can configure your browser to use a proxy server without altering your operating system's network.

Project Goal

I created this project to fill a personal need to provide users with a easy way to accomplish reverseproxying hosts with SSL termination and it had to be so easy that a monkey could do it. This goal hasn't changed.While there might be advanced options they are optional and the project should be as simple as possibleso that the barrier for entry here is low.

Multiple Proxy Manager Job



  • Beautiful and Secure Admin Interface based on Tabler
  • Easily create forwarding domains, redirections, streams and 404 hosts without knowing anything about Nginx
  • Free SSL using Let's Encrypt or provide your own custom SSL certificates
  • Access Lists and basic HTTP Authentication for your hosts
  • Advanced Nginx configuration available for super users
  • User management, permissions and audit log

Subscription Manager Proxy

Hosting your home network

Multi Proxy Download Manager

I won't go in to too much detail here but here are the basics for someone new to this self-hosted world.

  1. Your home router will have a Port Forwarding section somewhere. Log in and find it
  2. Add port forwarding for port 80 and 443 to the server hosting this project
  3. Configure your domain name details to point to your home, either with a static ip or a service like DuckDNS or Amazon Route53
  4. Use the Nginx Proxy Manager as your gateway to forward to your other web based services


Multiple Proxy Manager

Special thanks to the following contributors:


<!-- prettier-ignore-start --><!-- markdownlint-disable --> Sebastian Valle Kyle Klaus ƬHE ЯAW Spencer Xantios Krugor David Panesso IronTooch Damiano Russ Marcelo Castagna Steven Harris Jocelyn Le Sage Carl Mercier Paul Mansfield OhHeyAlan Carl Sutton Gergő Törcsvári vrenjith David Rivera Jaap-Jan de Wit James Morgan chaptergy Philip Mooney <!-- markdownlint-enable --><!-- prettier-ignore-end -->

I have received a Proxy Manager license key. Where do I enter it?
Click File | Proxy Manager Options in Outlook
Click Register button in the Proxy Manager Options dialog.
Enter the license key in the Register Proxy Manager dialog
I am using Proxy Manager with my new Office 365 tenant, but I cannot send messages - I keep receiving an SMTP error like '535. 5.7.3 Authentication unsuccessful'.
Keep in mind that for the new tenants, Microsoft turns SMTP authentication off, and it needs to be enabled. Please see
Enable or disable authenticated client SMTP submission (SMTP AUTH) in Exchange Online
as well as
What are security defaults?

I am trying to manually enter an SMTP address to send from in the From dropdown in Outlook, but I keep receiving a non-delivery report.
Exchange server does not allow to send from an arbitrary SMTP address. You can only send from your primary or one of the proxy addresses.
I need to install Proxy Manager on multiple machines without any user interaction. Does Proxy Manager installer allow that?
You can download the zip file with the dlls, copy the appropriate version of the dll (ProxyMan32.dll for a 32 bit version of Outlook and ProxyMan64.dll for a 64 bit version) to any folder and register it using regsvr32.exe. No elevated privileges are required - Proxy Manager installs itself in HKCU if it cannot be installed in HKLM.
You can use these dlls to install Proxy Manager automatically (regsvr32.exe /s) without any user interaction from, for example, a Windows logon script. You can also copy the license key (stored in the RegistrationKey value in HKCUSoftwareAdvancedMessagingSystemsProxyMan) to make sure the outgoing messages do not include a footer using a command similar to the one below:
REG ADD 'HKCUSoftwareAdvancedMessagingSystemsProxyMan' /v 'RegistrationKey2' /t REG_SZ /d 'xxxxxxx-xxxxxx-xxxxxx-xxxxxxx'
I am on a slow / high latency connection and Proxy Manager frequently returns TCP/IP timeout errors when sending messages. Is there a way to increase the SMTP connection timeout?
Yes, you can create a Timeout value (either string or DWORD) in HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareAdvancedMessagingSystemsProxyMan
The value is in milliseconds; for example. to set a 60 seconds timeout the value must be 60000.
The default value (without the Timeout registry value) is 10 seconds.
What kind of SMTP authentication does Proxy Manager support?
Proxy Manager supports Login, Plain, and CRAM-MD5 authentication. If your server does not require authentication (e.g. if it uses authentication based on the IP address), you can leave the user name edit box empty; Proxy Manager will skip the SMTP authentication.
Our company would like to prevent end users from being able to specify arbitrary display names when sending through Proxy Manager.
You can create a DWORD registry value named CanEditNames with the value of 0 in HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareAdvancedMessagingSystemsProxyMan. User names will default to the display name of the Exchange account.
I am installing Proxy Manager in a multiuser environment (e.g. a Remote Desktop Services - RDS), do I need to make every user configure Proxy Manager and enter the license key?
By default, Proxy Manager options are stored in the HKEY_CURERENT_USERSoftwareAdvancedMessagingSystemsProxyMan registry hive.
You can create a string registry value named RegistrationKey with the registration key in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESoftwareAdvancedMessagingSystemsProxyMan.
Since the value is added to the HKLM registry hive rather than HKCU, it will be visible to all local users and Proxy Manager will it read from there.
Other default properties that can also be set are
1. DefaultServer - the name of the SMTP server, string registry type. Will be used as the default value of the SMTP server when a local user configures Proxy Manager for the very first time.
2. DefaultPort - the SMTP server port, DWORD registry type. Will be used as the default value of the SMTP server port when a local user configures Proxy Manager for the very first time.
3. DefaultEncryptionKind- the SMTP server encryption kind, DWORD registry type. 0 - None, 1 - SSL, 2 - TLS, 3 - Auto. Will be used as the default value of the SMTP server encryption when a local user configures Proxy Manager for the very first time.
4. Timeout - the timeout value (in milliseconds) when connecting to the SMTP server.
5. CanEditNames - if present and the value is set to 0, the user will not be able to edit the display names associated with each SMTP address.
6. ExclusionList - ';' separated list of filters with or without DOS-style wildcards ? and *. All addresses that match any of the exclusion filters are excluded. Example: *test*;* - all addresses that have 'test' or end in '' are excluded.
7. InclusionList - ';' separated list of filters with or without DOS-style wildcards ? and *. Only addresses that match any of the inclusion filters are used. Example: dmitry@*;*.com - only addresses that start with 'dmitry@' or end in '.com' are included.
8. HideAddressSelector - DWORD. If set to 1, Proxy Manager address dropdown control will be invisible, but the proxy addresses can be accessed from the native From button in Outlook
9. HideOptionsButton - DWORD. If set to 1, Proxy Manager will hide its Options dialog button, both from the Backstage view in Outlook, and from the Inspectors and explorers,
10. NoDefaultUserName - DWORD. Normally, if the SMTP user name is not specified, Proxy Manager uses the default SMTP address of the corresponding Exchange account. If NoDefaultUserName is set to 1 (DWORD), the name is left blank in case you are working with a server that does not need authentication or authenticates based on, for example, IP address